Today, I got a text message indicating that a strange and possible rare bird was sighted in Queens. I responded with some basic questions...
Fall Foliage and Raptor Migration Hike at Sterling Forest...
On Sunday October 26 th , I volunteered as an assistant on a NYC Audubon Fall foliage and Raptor migration trip to Sterling Forest; our hike...
Red-tailed Hawk hanging in and around the backyard...
A new visitor has shown up in and around the backyard and while I have not been able to get good photos of this bird, today I was able to ge...
Finishing up planting the Virginia Roses at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge...
Today, I headed out to Jamaica Bay to finish off the task of planting the remaining Virginia Roses (Rosa virginiana) . My helper, Nancy, ...
Latest from the backyard...
It is getting towards the end of October and with the change of weather, which has gotten noticeably cooler comes a change in visitors; for ...
NYC Audubon Hawk Watch
Today, I volunteered as an assistant to Don Riepe on a Hawk Watch at Fort Tilden. The day before, I had visited Fort Tilden on a walk wit...
Fall Migrants on the Wind at Fort Tilden
Today, I went to Fort Tilden on a Fall Migrants walk that was being led by Ron Bourque. Ron is a well known birder/naturalist and I always ...
Fall color in the backyard...
Here are some photos capturing the nice color we see in the Fall, which happens to be one of my favorite Season with Spring being the other....
Sparrow variety increasing in the backyard as Fall sets in...
As Warbler migrations comes to a close, I have seen the variety of sparrows increasing, with a number of White-throated now visiting. In ...
Chasing down a Connecticut Warbler at Central Park...
Today, I had planned on heading back out to Stracker Pond at Forest Park, in the hope of getting another look at that mystery warbler (see m...
NYC Audubon Bird Walk at Robert Moses State Park...
Today, I went as an assistant to Joe Giunta on an Audubon Bird Walk at Robert Moses State Park. Our meeting place was outside of the NYC Au...
Forest Park Bird Warbler Watch Walk.
Today, I went on a birding walk at Forest Park with the Urban Rangers. I met up with Rangers Jeff Billak and Howard Kreft at the Ranger Sta...
More October visitors in the backyard...
Fall visitors continue to arrive. Today, I saw a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker...I am assuming it is the same one that I first saw last Fall. ...
October Backyard Birding…
Today, I had planned on birding in Central Park, but got off to a late start, so instead I decided to stay local and do some backyard birdin...
Planting Virgina Roses at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge...
Today, I spent the day planting Virgina Roses by the Bird Blind on the West Pond Trail at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens. Duri...
Another Tanager sighted in the backyard...
This morning, I did a bit of birding or more like just checking the action outside and saw, a White Breasted Nuthatch, The Yellow Breasted C...
Yellow Breasted Chat visits backyard...
Not one but two Yellow Breasted Chats were spotted this morning around the Grape Vines and Winterberry shrubs (Ilex verticillata) . I got...