Today's Photo - Tagged Horseshoe Crab...
Laughing Gull with Horseshoe Crabs and Semipalmated Sandpipers.
Digiscoped shot of Laughing Gull with Horseshoe Crabs and Semipalmated Sandpipers
Fastest Migratory Bird?...
According to an article by Planet News, a couple of Swedish scientists think that they have gathered enough data showing that the Great Snip...
Bahamas-banded Piping Plover Breeds in Queens...
Over the past few days, I have posted several photos of Piping Plovers ( Charadrius melodus) and with good reason. The photo posted on Ma...
Wordless Wednesday...
Today's Photo - Bahamas-banded Piping Plover
Bahamas-banded Piping Plover photographed at Breezy Point Queens NY.
Van Courtlandt Park Birdathon Report 5-21-2011...
10 hours plus of birding resulted in 56 species during the Van Courtlandt Park Birdathon that took place on Saturday, May 21st. This is not...
Yellow-throated Warbler in Forest Park Queens NY...
Last Sunday, I went to Forest Park in Queens NY, where I met up with naturalists Rich Kelly and Al Lindberg. We had planned, on doing a bi...
Wordless Wednesday...
Van Courtlandt Bird Walk Report 5-14-2011...
Louisiana Waterthrush This past Saturday, our group met up at our usual spot, the nature center near the parade grounds. We did our usual s...
White-winged Dove at Jones Beach LI...
I will have more on this find later. Here is a photo of the White-winged Dove that Doug Futuyma and I found today at the Coast Guard Statio...
Today's Photos - Scarlet Tanager...
Wordless Wednesday...
Backyard Spring Visitors...
Did a bit of yard work this afternoon, clearing out some of last year's causalities due to a dry spell. After getting some much needed ...
Today's Photo - Eastern Kingbird...
Van Courtlandt Bird Walk Report 4-30-2011...
Van Courtlandt Birders. This past Saturday, our group met up up at the nature center near the parade grounds and after picking up a few Kil...