Breaking News
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Info Post
The small Ross' Goose in the middle.
I had tried several times in the past for the Ross' Goose at Big Egg Marsh, but had struck out until this morning, when after an hour of waiting, the bird came into view. This was not an easy ID because the goose happens to be an immature and looks a lot like its cousin the Snow Goose. However, once I got looks at the beak, grin patch and neck, I was sure that I had my prize. Several photos later of the goose by itself and a comparison shot with its cousin sealed the deal for me. A follow-up with a few other birders confirmed that indeed it was a Ross' Goose. Following, my visit to Big Egg Marsh, I stopped at JBWR, and walked the West Pond Trail; not much action...though, I did pick up the usual winter species including a Great Egret on the West Pond and several Hermit Thrushes in the North Garden.


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