Breaking News
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Info Post
In the midst of a busy schedule, I am trying to catch up on blog posts and decided to write one on the backyard. It is the time of the year when things begin to pick up in the garden and last Friday, a change in the weather brought in some new visitors. Interestingly, I only birded the yard for 1 hour and in that time, picked up 22 species of birds before leaving for a New York State Ornithological Association Meeting in Montezuma NY – more on that in another post.

The backyard list included:
  1. American Robin (4)
  2. Gray Catbird (9)
  3. Northern Mockingbird (1)
  4. Dark-eyed Junco (1)
  5. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (1)
  6. Winter Wren (2)
  7. Bluejay (5)
  8. House Sparrow (several)
  9. Downy woodpecker (1)
  10. Veery (1)
  11. Hermit Thrush (1)
  12. Swainson’s Thrush (1)
  13. Brown Thrasher (1)
  14. Red-eyed Vireo (1)
  15. White-throated Sparrow (2)
  16. Mourning Dove (3)
  17. Scarlet Tanager (2)
  18. Baltimore Oriole (1)
  19. Northern Cardinal (1)
  20. Common Yellowthroat (2)
  21. Northern Flicker (1)
  22. Yellow-billed Cuckoo (1)
I have started getting my feeders out and plan on making some adjustments to the feeding stations to welcome the fall arrivals. Last year, the autumn highlights included two Yellow-breasted Chats, Purple Finch, Pine Siskins and Fox Sparrows. I am hoping that they return along with new species.

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