Breaking News
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Info Post
Sure this view was nothing like the excellent looks of the Pink-footed Goose I found in Queens last year, but I am not complaining.  Last Sunday I was lucky to see a Pink-footed Goose (Anser brachyrhynchus) in Orange County.  Even more so, I was in the good company of friends, Tom Burke, Gail Benson and Angus Wilson.  This PFGO was my first in Orange County and my third of the state.  Note: the bird has not been seen since that day, so it could have moved on.  Here are some distant but identifiable photos and yes, it does have pink feet.

No kidding, there is a Pink-footed Goose in the image above.  Look carefully and you should be able to pick it out.  Don't believe me?  Okay, see the next image which I cropped.

Believe me now?  Still having doubts because the feet does not look pink in the above photo?  Okay, then try the next one.

A badly digiscoped photo of a Pink-footed Goose. Tags: ,


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