Breaking News
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Info Post
Early this morning, I went to Forest Park around the water hole to look for the Cerulean Warbler that was reported at that location. There I met another birder, Pat Jones, who indicated that he was there for over an hour and did not see the bird. Needless to say, the bird did not make an appearance; however, both Pat and I thought we heard the call…though it was somewhere in the park and too far off to pinpoint the location. Pat stayed with me for about another hour or so and then left. Activity around the water hole was minimal; nevertheless, I did get nice looks at a Northern Water Thrush and male and female Grosbeaks. After spending about an hour and a half at Forest Park, I decided to try the gardens at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. While the gardens were quiet, I did pick up a few additional species since my walk there on Saturday. They included, Warbling Viero, White-eyed Vireo, Northern Parula, Baltimore Oriole and Great Crested Flycatcher. While walking the North Garden trail, I met another birder, Terry Clark (sp), who indicated that he had a "Hooded Warbler" in the North Garden. I tried for that bird, but I did not hear or see the bird. I am sure it is around, but must have moved around, so I will have to keep and ear and eye out for that one the next time I visit.


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