Breaking News
Friday, April 17, 2009

Info Post
With the new Barn Owl boxes all setup, we have been seeking out those boxes that have somehow gotten overwhelmed in the overgrown brush. Yesterday, Don, Doris and I worked on clearing out the brush around one such location. It was not an easy task as our chain saw was not functioning well and so we relied on one lopper and a machete that was rusted and dull. Nevertheless, Doris and I tackled the task with zest and before long we had a nice clearing. In the meantime, Don had left and returned with a Cordless Reciprocating Saw, which helped a lot in taking out some of the bigger branches. After securing the side door and adding some screws to shore up the bottom, we were done. While it is a bit late in the season, there is a possibility that this nest could be used by young Barn Owls. We have completed our part in making the abode as accessible and comfortable as possible; in another a month or two we will check back to see if any Owls took up residence.


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